10 Most Popular SARM Supplements For Fitness & Bodybuilding

In the last few years, the popularity of selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) has increased exponentially across the world. Compounds such as Ostarine, Cardarine, Nutrobol, and Testolone have been embraced by fitness enthusiasts, bodybuilders, and athletes to improve their gym & athletic performance.
Let us explore information about the top 10 most popular SARM supplements to gain a clear and complete understanding of these popular sports nutrition and bodybuilding supplements.
#1. Ostarine
There is no denying the fact that bodybuilding is an extremely “demanding” sport wherein fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders spent countless hours to stay ahead of their peers. Also known as MK-2866, Ostarine is characterized by high anabolic and androgenic activity. It is an excellent choice for everyone who wants to lose body fat and gain solid muscles at the same time.
The recommended dose of Ostarine is 25mg every day in cycles of 10-16 weeks for men. For women, the recommended dose of Ostarine is 10mg every day in cycles of 6-10 weeks. On-cycle support and post-cycle therapy are recommended after Ostarine cycles.
#2. LGD-4033
Also known as Ligandrol, LGD-4033 is a powerful bulking SARM that is embraced by fitness enthusiasts across the world. Considered one of the best SARMs for women, LGD-4033 increases leg press strength and stair-climbing power.
The recommended dose of LGD-4033 is 10mg every day in cycles of 10-16 weeks for men and the recommended dose of LGD-4033 for women is 5mg every day in cycles of 6-10 weeks. On-cycle support, a complete PCT and SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) cycle is recommended to restore the production of natural hormones after the LGD-4033 cycle.
#3. Testolone (RAD-140)
Originally developed to treat health conditions such as muscle wasting and breast cancer, Testolone (RAD-140) is an excellent choice for everyone who wants to bulk build fast and bulk up. It demonstrates an exceptional affinity for androgen-receptor cells in the body. Testolone causes a massive surge in the levels of muscle mass, testosterone, protein synthesis, energy, endurance, and muscle definition.
#4. YK-11
YK-11 helps in inhibiting myostatin which can prevent muscle differentiation and cell growth. The suppression of myostatin not only inhibits muscle loss and atrophy but can also enhance muscle growth. It also boosts Follistatin expression and contributes to metabolism, fertility, and muscle growth.
#5. Andarine (S-4)
Considered to be one of the best SARMs for cutting, Andarine (S-4) is medically recommended to treat muscle wasting and osteoporosis. It can help in reducing abdominal and visceral fat. Andarine (S-4) is usually recommended to achieve a coveted “cut” look.
#6. MK-677 (Ibutamoren)
Also known as Nutrobol, MK-677 (Ibutamoren) is a selective agonist of the growth hormone receptor that maximizes fat loss and improves metabolic function. It also stimulates energy, stamina, and endurance levels. It also improves appetite and promotes lean muscle mass. The recommended dose of MK-677 (Ibutamoren) is 25mg every day in cycles of 10-16 weeks for men and 10mg every day in cycles of 6-8 weeks for women.
#7. GW-501516 (Cardarine)
This PPAR agonist stimulates significant improvements in the levels of muscle mass, size, definition, growth, and recovery. It promotes fat loss and lean muscle mass. The recommended dose of GW-501516 (Cardarine) is 20mg every day for men in cycles of 12-16 weeks and the recommended dose of GW-501516 (Cardarine) is 5-10mg every day for women in cycles of 6-8 weeks.
#8. S-23
A powerful cutting SARM, S-23 is an incredible choice for fitness enthusiasts who want to reduce body fat mass while achieving massive muscle gains. It does not cause estrogenic side effects such as fluid retention. The recommended dose of S-23 is 20mg every day for men in cycles of 12-16 weeks and the recommended dose of S-23 is 5-10mg every day for women in cycles of 6-8 weeks.
#9. SR-9009 (Stenabolic)
A popular cutting selective androgen receptor modulator, SR-9009 (Stenabolic) is considered one of the best SARMs for muscle building and fat burning. If you want to buy SARMs online for cutting, you just cannot miss out on SR-9009 (Stenabolic). The recommended dose of SR-9009 (Stenabolic) is 20-40mg every day in cycles of 10-16 weeks for men and 10-20mg every day in cycles of 6-8 weeks for women.
#10. RAD-150 (TLB 150)
Considered the “bigger brother” of RAD-140, this SARM helps you lose stubborn fat and build muscles at the same time. It promotes faster muscle recovery and is an excellent choice for bulking, cutting, and recomposition cycles. The recommended dose of RAD-150 (TLB 150) is 20mg every day in cycles of 10-16 weeks for men and 5-10mg every day in cycles of 6-8 weeks for women.
We hope that this informative guide on the top 10 most popular SARM supplements for fitness & bodybuilding helped you gain a clear understanding of selective androgen receptor modulators.