Don’t live with knee pain!

#1 – Improper Shoes
It’s a vicious circle: you can’t exercise if your knees hurt, but you have to exercise anyway.
What do the majority of people do? Rest. To avoid pain, limit your physical activity.
Most people don’t know that too much rest can cause knee pain. It’s true that too much of anything can be bad for you. Rest is no exception. While it may seem that you are trying to avoid pain by restricting your activity, in reality too much rest can cause injury and worsen knee pain. Quadriceps muscles are essential to the movement and function of the knee. Often, people who say they feel weak in their knees should actually be saying that they feel weaker in their quadriceps. Exercising too much can lead to the muscles around the knee joint becoming weaker or atrophy, which can make knee pain worse.
#2 Too Much Rest
While I cannot speak for other countries, it can be difficult to resist wearing sandals every single day in Florida. While most sandals can be worn flat and open, they are not very comfortable for the knees. Your knee pain could actually be caused by your footwear’s insufficient cushioning and support.
Poor footwear, or footwear that doesn’t provide adequate cushioning, can cause knee pain. Your shoes should provide the correct amount of support. It is best to avoid hard-soled shoes. However, it is important that the cushioning in your shoes is correct. It may be worth getting custom orthotics fitted or insoles made for you that provide just the right amount to cushion your feet. Your knee pain should not get worse from your shoes.
#3 – Not Using A Cane
There are many reasons people don’t use assistive devices. It can be difficult to transport canes, walkers, and other assistive devices. It can be hard to lift them into the car. Sometimes, it’s just shyness or vanity.
People resort to walking aids as an option when they are unable to walk. It’s too late. One-point canes can relieve a lot of pressure from the knees, which can reduce knee pain. You can also use it to help you move further without pain. This will allow you to get the exercise that you need to keep your joints healthy and keep the weight off. You don’t have to wait until you can no longer walk without one. A cane is a great tool to keep you active.
A medical professional wrote this article at Florida Medical Pain Management. Florida Medical Pain Management is proud to offer comprehensive pain management services to a diverse group of patients. Patients at Florida Medical Pain Management can get help managing hip, knee, leg, and neck pain. The practice also offers comprehensive arthritis management, along with treatments for auto accidents, sports, and work injuries as well as PRP Treatment New Port Richey FL.